Boys from Hope programmes practise yoga. Text reads 'Celebrate International Yoga Day with HOPE this June'

Embodying the Peaceful Warrior
& the 5 Essential Virtue of a Yogi

A recorded class by Zephyr Wildman

Sign up to access this special online class recording as part of Yoga for HOPE activities to celebrate International Yoga Day and HOPE's 25th Anniversary. 

Access to this class is available for a £10 minimum donation with all proceeds to HOPE.

To book your place, please click here and complete the form.

At the time of booking, you will receive a Vimeo link for the class.  To access Vimeo, you’ll need to sign up a free account.  The class is available until 31 August 2024.

Using the Mantra SO HUM, we will focus on the Standing Warrior sequence to build strength, endurance and stamina. This practice will leave you feeling quietly confident and expansive.

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The 5 essential ingredients to be the Adhikara (the competent Yogi)

  1. Shraddha – Faith. The trusted belief that the Universe has your back, no matter what! Shradliterally means “that which gives you space and holds you in place”.  Dha provides nourishment for you to grow.  It opens you to a larger perspective, the more space and self-nurturance you have to fill that space, the more support you have to grow and expand in life. It also fills the space so you see there is nothing missing in your life - it is as it needs to be for you to evolve. Connecting to a trusting conviction in this presence, wholehearted respect in your relationship to faith you align to.
  2. Virya – Courage, Strength, Energy, Effort, Willpower, Stamina to persevere through life’s obstacles. That whatever you put your mind to, you will be able to achieve through your endurance, inner strength and conviction to bravely face whatever you face.
  3. Smirti – that which is remembered, To strengthen your memory to remember how to practice, the said techniques, retentive power of vital information in order to move more effectively forward in life, the power to collect and recall vital information, especially when you are upset or facing hard times that you can ultimately remember what you are, what matters to you most and your life’s greater purpose.
  4. Samadhi – Absorption, Becoming completely aware of what you are paying attention to, spending time in conscious repose, resting in the grounded-ness of being, all-consuming focus, ability to be absorbed in one’s goal. It is the ability to have physical, energetic, mental and spiritual absorption in any given moment.
  5. Prajna – Illumination of Consciousness, Light of intelligence, Buddhi is the intuitive guide or teacher, Prajna is the light of intelligence that shines through that guide. Guided by the inner light of the heart-mind that innate wisdom, letting the light of the soul reflect in it without distortion. There is clear understanding, crystal-clear intellect, which reveals the knowledge within you as you.

Zephyr has supported ‘Yoga For HOPE’ for a number of years.  She has been teaching Yoga since 2002 in London, trained via Yoga Campus and has been a Mentor on their yoga training programme since 2005. She teaches at The Life Centre, Yoga Centres around London, private tuition, and at The Recovery Centre (treatment centre for addiction, depression and other dependency problems). Her teachings focus on combining the elements of creative movement, flow and dynamic sequencing, focusing on alignment, prana vayus and kinesiology.

Find out more about Yoga For HOPE activities, including access to more of Zephyr’s classes here.


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